Puistokatu 4's researcher members

44 academic researchers from different disciplines work at Puistokatu 4, with building for an ecologically sustainable future at the heart of their research. The researcher members work in the Science Attic on the third floor of Puistokatu 4.


Read more about our researcher members below!

Eeva-Lotta Apajalahti
Eeva-Lotta Apajalahti, Associate Professor of Social Sciences and Energy Technology, LUT University

“I have been studying energy system change from different perspectives for about 15 years. Currently, my research is aimed at developing an understanding of the social sustainability of socio-technical systems. I am particularly interested in how regional communities and residents benefit most from renewable energy. The energy revolution will not deliver a sustainable future if we repeat the same mistakes as in our other industrial policies, namely forgetting about people and communities, their vitality and benefits, and the environment.


During my academic career, I have been involved in setting up and maintaining a wide range of community activities, such as reading and study circles and networks. Our study circle for practice theory celebrated its 10th anniversary last year. It is a form of academic activism, where we uphold academic freedom and foster academic good, providing a safe haven for all those seeking to break free from academic shackles.”


X: @ELApajalahti

Katariina Buure
Katariina Buure, Doctoral Researcher in Environmental Engineering, LUT University

“I am working on my PhD on the tensions and development opportunities between sustainability and technological and business innovation. I am currently writing a paper on carbon capture, a topic that is centrally linked to building an ecologically sustainable future. I am exploring how can innovation be implemented in a sustainable way and how could this be promoted? What bottlenecks can be identified? My research does not only focus on ecological sustainability as I will also look at the linkages in the area of social sustainability.


Our university campuses are in Lappeenranta and Lahti, and I live in Helsinki, so I am currently working mainly alone and remotely. I am interested in getting to know other researchers and research topics, and I am looking forward to the practical opportunity to meet people and share ideas.”

Violeta Gutierrez Zamora
Violeta Gutierrez Zamora, Postdoctoral researcher in Environmental policy, LUKE

“My current research revolves around natural fibers, specifically bamboo, as a bioeconomic solution for products labeled as sustainable. Bamboo is generally considered more ecologically sustainable than other synthetic and organic materials, and global demand is increasing. Southeast Asia has a long tradition of using bamboo in everyday life. More recently, development projects have also been promoting bamboo as a valuable non-timber forest product in several countries of this region. My research aims to understand how bamboo’s everyday uses and values are changing in the rural communities that harvest it and the impacts of the so-called bamboo boom.


I was part of Nessling Nest during my Ph.D. writing process. The environment created among researchers and other people involved was inspiring due to the plurality of ideas around diverse topics. I firmly believe that face-to-face interaction nurtures my thinking and research. My purpose for working in Puistokatu 4 is to be involved in a convivial research environment.”

Viola Hakkarainen
Viola Hakkarainen, Postdoctoral Researcher in Sustainability Science, University of Helsinki

“I am a sustainability scientist and postdoctoral researcher at the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), currently working on understanding urban biodiversity and the multiple values and value conflicts associated with it. I also research and develop creative and embodied learning methods for sustainability education. I often apply cross-disciplinary research, facilitate workshops and use creative methods in my research.


In the future, I would like to communicate sustainability research to a wider audience and use my expertise more strongly as an advocate for ecological sustainability. At Puistokatu 4, I hope to create new connections with researchers and discuss and imagine new paths to a more sustainable and just world.”


X: violahak

Vilma Halonen
Vilma Halonen, Doctoral Researcher, LUT University

“I am studying the impact of household consumption on consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions, the willingness and ability of households to make consumption changes to reduce emissions and how this could be supported by public policies. My research is set in a suburban context, with the focus on emission reduction solutions supported by cities and municipalities. The research is based on life cycle and carbon footprint calculations.

At the moment I do most of my research alone at home, as I live in Helsinki and my workplace is in Lahti. I hope to find Science Attic a community-based place to work, where I can share ideas and thoughts and plan collaborations with other researchers in different fields.”

Henna Juusola
Henna Juusola, Postdoctoral Researcher in Administrative Sciences, University of Tampere

“My research is linked to the promotion of eco-socially sustainable higher education and thus to the promotion of planetary well-being in society at large. The stimulation of eco-socially fair development through research is central to my research design. In my research, I apply a nexus analysis based on the traditions of ethnography and discourse analysis. In this way, my research is also linked to the tradition of activist research (so-called ‘militant research’).


I would like to share my research both through informal discussions and through various organised debates such as workshops or panel discussions. Informal discussions can sometimes lead to joint implementations between different disciplines and actors.”



X: @HennaJuusola

Anni Kärkkäinen
Anni Kärkkäinen, Doctoral researcher in Law, University of Eastern Finland

“In my dissertation, I study the environmental impact assessment process (EIA) in the sustainability transition. The theme of the dissertation is the relationship between the information about environment and the law. There is a huge amount of research on the environment and the effects of human activity on the environment and it is constantly increasing, but information about the environment as such is not transmitted to legal mechanisms. However, knowledge about the environment is of key importance when regulation is used to manage the major environmental problems of our time.


I am working on my dissertation remotely for the University of Eastern Finland, so the work is very solitary at times. That’s why it’s great to be part of the Puistokatu 4 community and get to know other people working on the same issues!”



LinkedIn: @annikarkkainen

Teemu Loikkanen
Teemu Loikkanen, Doctoral researcher in sociology, University of Lapland

“The circular economy is one of the key transitions to steer society in a more ecologically sustainable direction. As a sociologist, I am particularly interested in what kind of citizens the circular economy needs to work: what is expected of us as citizens to make the transition possible. Critical social science research is needed to examine sustainability transitions.


I would like to use my research to make the role of citizens in the circular economy clearer and more diverse. I have spoken at a wide range of events,  such as the Circular Economy event organised by the French Embassy’s Science Institute and Sitra. My hope is to build interaction between different social groups in making an ecologically sustainable future.”


X: @SocietyWaste

Emma Luoma
Emma Luoma, Doctoral researcher in environmental policy, University of Eastern Finland

“Complex and conflicting environmental problems require the ability of different actors in society to work together to solve problems, i.e. to have a collaborative capacity. The aim of my research is to increase our understanding of what such capacity is and where and how it develops in practice. My research material consists of processes that have successfully resolved very challenging situations by investing in interaction between the parties, building understanding and trust, as well as a shared knowledge base and a well-structured facilitated process. It is the way of doing that counts and therefore my research seeks to identify the factors behind the success of these processes.


Puistokatu 4 provides a much needed space for the cross-fertilisation of different views and research. I am happy to share my own research topics and findings with those who are interested, and I am also happy to help and comment on the work of others.”


LinkedIn: @emmaluoma

Linda Majander
Linda Majander, Doctoral researcher in social work, University of Jyväskylä

“My research addresses the need for change in higher education from a global perspective in an era of ecological reconstruction. My research aims to highlight the detrimental effects of some of our established ways of thinking on ecological reconstruction and to look for opportunities for a more planetary prosperous future.


My research requires an interdisciplinary understanding of sustainability issues, which I can deepen in the community of Puistokatu 4. At the same time, I am happy to share my expertise with other researchers, actors and the wider public.”

Erkki Mervaala
Erkki Mervaala, Doctoral Researcher in Communication Studies, University of Helsinki

“I am currently studying media representations of climate change and economic growth and analysing their interrelationship using AI tools. I would like to contribute to society by uncovering narratives and possible thought biases in the public debate on the climate-economy axis.


I hope to help the Puistokatu 4 community at least in the adoption and use of machine learning and AI research methods related to these themes.”

Henri Nevalainen
Henri Nevalainen, Doctoral reseracher in social psychology, University of Tampere

“My research focuses specifically on the experience of threat in different interaction situations. A broader understanding of the situations people perceive as threatening promotes democracy and helps to prevent polarisation and confrontation in our society.


There are currently no interaction researchers working on the Puistokatu 4, so I believe that I could bring a new perspective and enable a new kind of interdisciplinary discussion. I hope that as my research progresses, I can also help other researchers to put their findings into practice.”

Daniela Nousiainen
Daniela Nousiainen, Doctoral researcher in forest sciences, University of Eastern Finland

“In my research, I focus on conflicts that occur in and around forests. I analyze existing conflicts in the EU and explore possible bridges in disputes around the use of forests and propose solutions for conflict management. In a world that counts on forest resources in its sustainable future, it is important to manage conflicts that arise from differing opinions about forest use.


In my free time, I also volunteer for an NGO People for Democratic Change Slovakia that supports people’s capability to talk to each other. I always enjoy being an active member of various communities and working on meaningful things together. As I have worked remotely for some time now, I have missed the opportunity to connect with people and share ideas.”

Tina Nyfors
Tina Nyfors, Doctoral researcher in sustainability Science, University of Helsinki

“I’m exploring the potential of moderation in decision-making and how the concept of moderation is understood at the grassroots level, among the activists of Kohtuusliike. The interplay of both ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ approaches is at the heart of my research.


For a PhD researcher, the working community and getting to know colleagues working on the same topic is central. Puistokatu 4 offers a unique opportunity to be part of a solution-oriented working community where everyone is united in building an ecologically sustainable future.”


X: @TinaNyfors

Lasse Peltonen
Lasse Peltonen, Professor of enviromental policy, University of Eastern Finland

“I study environmental conflicts and conflict resolution. My current theme is the tensions and conflicts of the so-called green transition. In addition to conflict resolution, I attach importance to conflict anticipation and the development of collaborative approaches to complex sustainability challenges. I see research and teaching as ways to influence and change the world. My work also has an impact through commissions and interventions at Akordi Oy.


Last year I was a member of the Akordi team at Puistokatu 4. The experience was inspiring and Puistokatu became a familiar place for me.”


X: @LassePeltonen

Miina Porkka
Miina Porkka, Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, University of Eastern Finland

“I study global water resources and the impact of human activities on water resources. I would like my research to open up new perspectives on our approach to water and the ways in which we interact with it: to see (fresh) water as an important part of a wider, planet-wide system, rather than just as a local or regional resource.


My international networks in my field are extensive (for example, I have been involved in the latest Planetary Boundary Assessment), and I am happy to share the latest research in my networks. I hope to gain new perspectives on my research from the meetings and discussions in the Puistokatu 4. On the other hand I want to offer other members of the Science Attic the opportunity to link to my networks when research interests meet.”



X: @miinaporkka

Taneli Rajala
Taneli Rajala, Doctoral researcher in sustainability sciences, University of Helsinki

“I study chemicalisation as a creeping crisis and a risk management issue. Industrial chemical emissions permeate our daily lives and are already breaking planetary safety barriers, like the climate crisis and the loss of nature. Environmental crises overlap, but my background as a chemist has directed my interest to chemicals, which I approach through the means environmental research.


My research critically analyses the direction of national chemicals management under the renewed EU regulatory framework. I am looking for new collaborative responses to chemical policy issues where traditional regulation falters but which are of proven critical public interest. Puistokatu 4 is familiar and important to me, having worked there as a Communications Specialist for the THA Foundation.”



X: @RajalaTaneli

Sanja Riikonen
Sanja Riikonen, Doctoral Researcher in Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland

“My research explores the environmental sustainability of the pharmaceutical sector and the potential for industry players to go green under the guidance and pressure of ongoing regulatory change. The pharmaceutical sector is associated with both biodiversity impacts (pharmaceutical residues entering the environment) and climate impacts (pharmaceutical production and long distribution chains, etc.), and a green transition is also needed in the pharmaceutical sector to achieve an ecologically sustainable future. I want my research to provide new insights into the concrete actions that could be taken to support it.


I am happy to present my research to people at Puistokatu 4 and really interesting to share knowledge and discuss the topic with researchers from different fields. The pharmaceutical sector is strongly linked to many sectors of society and also to broader issues such as planetary health.”

Heini-Emilia Saari
Heini-Emilia Saari, Doctoral Researcher in Geography and Architecture, London School of Economics (LSE)

“In my dissertation, I study wood as a building material for a sustainable society. Wood construction makes tangible how the ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ city of the future is inextricably linked to rural natural resources, knowledge, industry and labour. Yet in an urban society, rural life is often framed as part of an ‘unsustainable’ past. This dissertation challenges and diversifies notions of how to build a sustainable and more just society.


I am joyful about a curious research community and a dedicated environment where I can position myself as part of a debate that draws strength from diversity and uncertainty. Multidisciplinary research nurtures both the courage to build (possibilities, new perspectives) and the understanding to unravel (assumptions, power structures).”


LinkedIn: @heini-emilia-saari

Kirsi Salonen
Kirsi Salonen, Doctoral researcher in management, LUT University & University of Maastricht

“My thesis explores the strategies that companies can use to ensure that their operations not only minimise harm to nature and people, but also create the capacity for social and environmental systems to recover and thrive. On the other hand, I ask what obstacles or incentives stand in the way of such regenerative – or regenerative – business. The emerging debate on regeneration sees humans as a strong part of nature.


In my previous work in NGOs, most recently as Executive Director of Eetti, I have learned lessons in advocacy, communication and popularisation of researched knowledge for different audiences. The Puistokatu 4 community, events and networks provide excellent opportunities for all this to continue.”

Oskari Sivula
Oskari Sivula, Doctoral researcher in philosophy, University of Turku

“In my dissertation, I explore the long-term environmental ethical issues related to space. As space activities increase, it is important to consider the impact of our actions beyond Earth. Building a sustainable future can no longer be confined within the boundaries of our planet, but must also consider the cosmic footprint of humanity.


I want to grow my networks of sustainability actors. I hope for a warm and constructive atmosphere in Puistokatu where it is good to work on environmental issues.”


X: @okisivula

Pihla Soinnunmaa
Pihla Soinnunmaa, Doctoral researcher in sustainability sciences, University of Helsinki

“I am exploring how formal education can support and teach a life-centred perspective rather than a human-centred one. A life-centred perspective seeks to orient thinking and action towards nurturing and nourishing the integrity of life on Earth. My dissertation research is based on the view, confirmed by studies of nature relations, that if people feel and understand that they are part of nature, they will act in a more environmentally responsible way. However, we are taught from childhood to separate humans from nature in a way that justifies short-sighted and excessive exploitation of the rest of nature. This is what I would like to be part of changing.


My dreams include brainstorming sessions and workshops, reflections and utopias on life-centred thinking with the community and networks of Puistokatu 4.”


LinkedIn: @pihla-soinnunmaa

Pasi Takkinen
Pasi Takkinen, Doctoral Researcher in philosophy, University of Tampere

“In my dissertation, which is located in the field of philosophy of education, I research the issues of post-sustainability and the sustainable relationship with technology. I continue on the problem by my dissertation supervisor Veli-Matti Värri, ‘Education in the era of eco-crisis’ (2018).


I will be happy to talk about my dissertation and my already completed research articles on Puistokatu. I am also open to various joint projects and events. Some of the Puistokatu 4 residents are already familiar to me through the events of the Nessling Foundation and Puistokatu 4, which I have had time to visit a lot!”

Mikko Vesterinen
Mikko Vesterinen, Doctoral Researcher in Political Science, University of Tampere

“In my dissertation, I examine the environmental, social and economic aspects of parties’ urban planning objectives in the cities of Helsinki, Tampere and Oulu. Through these perspectives, I examine, among other things, how parties respond to the challenges of climate change, nature loss and residential segregation through urban planning.


I am open to sharing my expertise and knowledge from my research in all forms. For example, I have already written general articles and reviews on my dissertation for publications such as Politiikasta and the Helsingin Sanomat, and I am happy to continue to communicate my research results.”


X: @MikkoVesterinen

Katri Weckroth
Katri Weckroth, Doctoral Researcher in marketing, University of Tampere

“In my dissertation, I study meat consumption reduction from a socio-cultural perspective, focusing on everyday consumption practices. I am particularly interested in how meat consumption is discussed in commercial discourses and how the diversity and controversial nature of meat consumption and reduction is reflected in the everyday lives of consumers. The broader purpose of my dissertation project is to increase understanding of more sustainable lifestyles and well-being within the capacity of the planet.


Since major changes and sustainable well-being require cooperation and interaction, Puistokatu 4 is a great place to work and be inspired beyond the boundaries of science!”

Puistokatu 4's researcher alumni
Hanna-Kaisa Alanen
Hanna-Kaisa Alanen, Doctoral Researcher in Cognitive Science, University of Jyväskylä and University of Vaasa
BIODIFUL, Group of researchers
Otto Bruun
Otto Bruun, Doctoral Researcher in Environmental Law, University of Eastern Finland
Katja Enberg
Katja Enberg, Professor, University of Helsinki and University of Bergen
Mikaela Grotenfelt
Mikaela Grotenfelt, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Oscar Hartman Davies
Oscar Hartman Davies, Doctoral Researcher, University of Oxford
Johanna Hedman
Johanna Hedman, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki and University of Tampere
Johanna Hyrkäs
Johanna Hyrkäs, Doctoral Researcher, Aalto University
Elsi Hyttinen
Elsi Hyttinen, Docent in Literary Studies, University of Turku
Johanna Jämsä
Johanna Jämsä, Doctoral Researcher, University of Turku
Lotta Kaila
Lotta Kaila, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Sanna Karhu
Sanna Karhu, Postdoctoral researcher in gender studies, University of Helsinki
Sarah Kilpeläinen
Sarah Kilpeläinen, Postdoctoral researcher in international relations, University of Tampere
Katri Koivuneva
Katri Koivuneva, Doctoral Researcher, University of Lapland
Roni Lappalainen
Roni Lappalainen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Jyväskylä
Maija Lassila
Maija Lassila, Postdoctoral Researcher in Global Development Studies, University of Helsinki & HELSUS
Annina Lattu
Annina Lattu, Doctoral Researcher, Tampere University & Peking University
Sanna Lehtinen
Sanna Lehtinen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Salla Mikkonen
Salla Mikkonen, Doctoral Researcher, University of Tampere
Linda Mustajärvi
Linda Mustajärvi, Doctoral Researcher, University of Jyväskylä
Mikael Nurminen
Mikael Nurminen, Doctoral researcher in marketing, University of Tampere
Alma Onali
Alma Onali, Doctoral researcher, University of Tampere
Hanna Paulomäki
Hanna Paulomäki, Doctoral Researcher in ecology, Aalto University
Sara Peltola
Sara Peltola, Doctoral Researcher in education, University of Jyväskylä
Sonja Pietiläinen
Sonja Pietiläinen, Doctoral Researcher in political geography, University of Oulu
Olli Pyyhtinen
Olli Pyyhtinen, Professor, University of Tampere
Kukka Ranta
Kukka Ranta, Doctoral Researcher in Social Sciences, University of Lapland
Johannes Roviomaa
Johannes Roviomaa, Doctoral Researcher in Social sciences, University of Lapland
Sonja Salomäki
Sonja Salomäki, Doctoral Researcher, University of Lapland
Frans Saraste
Frans Saraste, Doctoral researcher in archictecture, Aalto University
Mari Vanharanta
Mari Vanharanta, Doctoral researcher in marine biology, Syke
Minna Vigren
Minna Vigren, Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science, Aalto University