Puistokatu 4’s new researchers and agents are here – more than 60 members building an ecologically sustainable future at A Space for Science and Hope!
BY: Puistokatu 4 1.2.2024
The new members of Puistokatu 4 have started working at A Space for Science and Hope. In 2024, a more ecologically sustainable future will be built in Puistokatu with a total of 44 researcher and 19 agent members.

30 new researcher and 11 agent members have started their work at Puistokatu 4. The new members were selected from 79 applications received in the open call. A further 14 researcher and 8 agent members from the pilot year will remain in Puistokatu 4.
Researchers represent 13 universities or research institutes
The new researcher members of Puistokatu 4 represent a total of 13 different universities or research institutes: from professors to doctoral researchers in more than 30 disciplines. The research done in the Science Attic of Puistokatu 4 this year will cover fields such as environmental policy, social psychology, marketing, gender studies and sustainability studies.
“The diversity of disciplines and career paths is a huge asset. Building a more ecologically sustainable future requires all disciplines and cooperation between them” says Minttu Jaakkola, Executive Director of Puistokatu 4.
Puistokatu 4’s new researcher members:
- Eeva-Lotta Apajalahti / Associate Professor of Social Sciences and Energy Technology, LUT University
- Otto Bruun / Doctoral Researcher in Environmental Law, University of Eastern Finland
- Katariina Buure / Doctoral Researcher in Environmental Engineering, LUT University
- Violeta Gutierrez Zamora / Doctoral Researcher in Environmental Policy, LUKE
- Viola Hakkarainen / Doctoral Researcher in Sustainability Science, University of Helsinki
- Elsi Hyttinen / Docent in Literary Studies, University of Turku
- Henna Juusola / Postdoctoral Researcher in Administrative Sciences, University of Tampere
- Sanna Karhu / Postdoctoral Researcher in Gender Studies, University of Helsinki
- Sarah Kilpeläinen / Doctoral Researcher in International Relations, University of Tampere
- Anni Kärkkäinen / Doctoral Researcher in Law, University of Eastern Finland
- Teemu Loikkanen / Doctoral Researcher in Sociology, University of Lapland
- Emma Luoma / Doctoral Researcher in Environmental Policy, University of Eastern Finland
- Linda Majander / Doctoral Researcher in Social Work, University of Jyväskylä
- Erkki Mervaala / Doctoral Researcher in Communication Studies, University of Helsinki
- Henri Nevalainen, / Doctoral Reseracher in Social Psychology, University of Tampere
- Heli Nissilä / Organisaatioiden ja johtamisen akatemiatutkija, Aalto University
- Daniela Nousiainen / Doctoral Researcher in Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland
- Tina Nyfors, Doctoral Researcher in Sustainability Science, University of Helsinki
- Lasse Peltonen / Professor of Enviromental Policy, University of Eastern Finland
- Miina Porkka / Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, University of Eastern Finland
- Taneli Rajala / Doctoral Researcher in Sustainability Sciences, University of Helsinki
- Sanja Riikonen / Doctoral Researcher in Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland
- Heini-Emilia Saari / Doctoral Researcher in Geography and Architecture, London School of Economics (LSE)
- Kirsi Salonen / Doctoral Researcher in Management, LUT University & University of Maastricht
- Oskari Sivula / Doctoral Researcher in Philosophy, University of Turku
- Pihla Soinnunmaa / Doctoral Researcher in Sustainability Sciences, University of Helsinki
- Mari Vanharanta / Doctoral Researcher in Marine Biology, Syke
- Mikko Vesterinen / Doctoral Researcher in Political Science, University of Tampere
- Minna Vigren / Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science, Aalto University
- Katri Weckroth / Doctoral Researcher in marketing, University of Tampere

New agent members from an activist to a writer
The agent members of Puistokatu 4 represent social and commercial actors whose activities are focused on building an ecologically sustainable future. The newly elected members bring expertise to Puistokatu for example in sustainability consulting for large companies and sustainable pharmaceutical development.
“Our experience from last year showed that the co-working of researchers and agent members in Puistokatu is fruitful. It is exciting to see what kind of collaborations will develop between our members this year,” says Jaakkola.
Puistokatu 4’s new agent members:
The call for researcher and agent member positions is currently closed and will reopen at the end of 2024.