“In Finland, the discussion on solving the ongoing multi-crisis has become stuck in a loop of emphasizing individual choices and technological developments. To envision alternative futures, it is of paramount importance to build bridges to cultures that think differently” writes Minttu Jaakkola, Director of Puistokatu 4.
“How to become a good ancestor?”
This question was the most significant takeaway from Benin, where I visited in January as a guest of the Finnish Institute for West Africa, Villa Karo.
In Finland, we are a rich minority tightly intertwined with the global majority, and therefore, we should wake up to the rise of Africa, the most significant continent of our time. It is a question of destiny whether we can succeed in cooperation with African countries in Europe and Finland. This requires building various bridges.
Africa is a young continent. For example, nearly half of the population in Benin is under 15 years old. It is crucial to understand what kind of future the new generation envisions, how young people define a good life, and what kind of power they feel they have in shaping the future.
As part of the trip we organized, in collaboration with Villa Karo, a writing competition for members of the Titigweti English Club at the Abomey-Calavi University. The theme, echoing Puistokatu 4’s discussion concept, was a good life and a worthwhile future within the planetary boundaries. We received a total of 23 essays for the competition. Additionally, I facilitated a discussion on the same topic with nearly 40 students on the university campus.
The importance of interconnectedness was emphasized in the writings and discussions. In Benin, a good life is seen to be built around community, respecting nature, and considering both past and future generations. Students saw the appreciation of traditions as a counterforce to individualism and consumer culture. Also, optimism and hope for the future seem strongly connected to community and collective action, both locally and globally. One of the participants in the writing competition wrote that their goal is to live in a way that they can become a good ancestor.
In light of these perspectives, Finnish discourse appears superficial. Here, the discussion on resolving the current multi-crisis is stuck in a loop of emphasizing individual choices and technological development. There is little discussion in Finland about interconnectedness, the individual responsibility as part of the chain of generations and other species. To understand the alternative futures, it is crucial to build bridges to cultures that think differently.
This excerpt from Jean-Paul Toni Sourou’s winning essay beautifully encapsulates the thoughts of the young Beninese people I encountered in the writings and discussions.
“In Benin, a good life invariably involves keeping one’s connection to roots alive, celebrating one’s traditions, valuing one’s communities, and living in coexistence with nature. A good life is characterized not by the quantity of what we consume, but by the depth with which we appreciate our possessions, in the service of a legacy we leave behind.
What gives me hope is the resilience and creativity I see in my community every day. People are, in spite of the challenges, finding ways of making it with each other and working toward a brighter future. The beauty of our land and increasing global sustainability movements blossoming in our world inspire me, encouraging me to remember that even small steps taken with genuine commitment can bring dramatic change.
Living within planetary limits doesn’t constrain; it fosters creativity, prudence, and interconnectedness. This, above all, is my perspective about life.”
We are organizing an invitation-only event, Africa and Finland: Renewing Cooperation Within Planetary Boundaries, at Puistokatu 4 on May 7th from 3 PM to 5 PM. The event will feature cross-sector discussions on Africa’s role, fair cooperation, and redefining progress and development. You are cordially invited to participate via live stream, and a recording will be available after the event!